Let Your Voice
Be Heard

About Us

“I-SHOUT-OUT ” is a call to action for anyone wanting to speak out against intolerance, injustice, racism, or bullying. It is a virtual wall for everyone to make their voices heard.
When enough people are willing to speak up and speak out, change will happen and the world will be a better place.

By adding your name to the “I-SHOUT-OUT” campaign you will become an active participant and advocate. One voice can be heard, but many voices together can echo beyond borders to make this world more peaceful.

We are an organization that is helping to eliminate bullying and intolerance in our society. The negative effects of bullying are not restricted to a short period in people’s lives. Bullying leaves a lasting emotional and sometimes physical impression that can last a lifetime. We know now that the most effective way to combat bullying is to stand UP and speak OUT against it. Bullying craves support from those around and once it is denied or challenged, it evaporates. So, SPEAK OUT against bullying and lend YOUR VOICE in support of our anti-bullying campaign; your action against bullying might just be the difference in the life of an individual that is being oppressed. Be the voice against hate and bullying, and contribute to the betterment of society.

Ben Lesser

Started by survivor and founder Ben Lesser, The ZACHOR Holocaust Remembrance Foundation’s goal is to reach over six million individuals who want their voices to be heard and stop intolerance.

Ben has made it his mission to inform, educate and provide perspective about life before, during and after World War II. Since the foundation began, educational programs and speaking engagements have blossomed across the nation. We have come to learn that those who have heard Ben speak have instantly become captivated by the lifelong message he strives to convey. People are moved by his messages relating to intolerance and overcoming life’s most horrific challenges.

The I-SHOUT-OUT campaign is supported by generous donations. Your contribution will help us fund Holocaust educational programs that will enable Ben Lesser ‘s vision to live on for generations to come.

The ZACHOR Foundation is a non-profit organization and all gifts are tax deductible. Send your tax deductible donation to:

2251 North Rampart Blvd. #2520
Las Vegas, NV 89128

For more information or to schedule a speaking engagement
