No parent wants their child to bully other children or be the victim of bullying.. Unfortunately, this is a tough time in history to raise a kid. Beyond the traditional bullying that he or she may be exposed to at school, there is now the additional thread of online bullying via social media.
It’s important that parents take steps to ensure that they will teach their children the right way to interact with others and stand up for their peers when they witness them on the receiving end of abuse. Here’s how parents can raise kids who stands up against bullying.
Have The Difficult Conversations
A lot of kids become bullies for the mere fact that no one ever told them that this behavior is inappropriate and hurtful to others. This is why it’s essential that parents communicate with their children and are willing to have the difficult conversations. Be the kind of parent with whom your child feels comfortable discussing difficult situations with.
Educate Yourself
If you don’t know a lot about preventing bullying, take the time to educate yourself by familiarizing yourself with bullying prevention campaigns. These campaigns can be useful to parents, educators and community leaders who want to learn more about the warning signs of bullying, why it happens and how communities can stop it.
For more information on bullying prevention campaigns and how you can talk to your child about the dangers of bulling, visit I-SHOUT-OUT at It’s important to remember that raising a child who’s against bullying begins at home.